Young Children Lessons
God Shows His Love, Lesson 25 | Pastor Ginny
God gave us His Words in the Bible, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 24 | Pastor Ginny
God gave us His Words and made us His church, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 23 | Pastor Ginny
God gave us His Words and made us His church, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 22 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 21 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 20 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 19 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 18 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 17 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
God Shows His Love, Lesson 16 | Pastor Ginny
God created the world and sent Jesus for us, because He loves us.
Pre–K Lessons
Knowing God, Lesson 4 | Smilin’ Sammuel
Naaman was a General in a big army and he helped his king win a lot of battles. But one battle he could not seem to win was against a terrible disease that seemed to destroy his skin. One day a young girl told him about a man of God in Israel, Elisha, that could heal him of his skin disease. Naaman traveled to Israel but was upset when Elisha simply sent a messenger to tell him to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman complained that it could not be so simple, but his helpers encouraged him to obey. Naaman dipped himself in the water seven times…and after the seventh time he came up healed! Naaman was so thankful that he obeyed the Word of the Lord!
Knowing God, Lesson 3 | Smilin’ Sammuel
Some people think they are so busy they don’t have any time to listen to God. But taking the time to spend reading the Bible, praying, and listening to Him is exactly what we need! Martha was always so busy and blamed other people, including her sister, Mary. But Mary chose to learn from Jesus, which brought her a lot of peace and wisdom. When Martha complained to Jesus, He told her that Mary had chosen the most important thing to do: spend time with Him!
Knowing God, Lesson 2 | Smilin’ Sammuel
When Jesus was just 12 years old, He travelled with His parents to the Temple to celebrate the Passover. But instead of doing things that other 12-year-olds may have done, Jesus was in the Temple with the teachers, asking them questions and teaching them! Jesus had studied the Scriptures and listened in prayer as His Father taught Him. When He read the Bible, He saw all the scriptures and promises about Himself!
Knowing God, Lesson 1 | Smilin’ Sammuel
One day some parents brought their kids to see Jesus. Some of the other grown-ups did not understand and tried to stop them. But when Jesus saw it, He told them that the Kingdom of Heaven was made for people just like these kids! Then, He took the kids in His arms and told them about how much He loved them. Just like any other parent, God WANTS to spend time with His kids!
Back to School in Victory! | Smilin’ Sammuel
Going back to school can be kind of scary, especially if there are lots of new things that are happening. But God always wants to help you. God told us, “Don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you.” Just remember the four “R’s” – be Ready to Recognize, Receive, and Rejoice over the new thing God is doing!
The BREAKTHROUGH Church! | Jacki Girtz, Ellie Crom, and Zoe Crom
When Jesus went to Heaven, He did not leave us alone and without help. Not only have we been given His Word, but Jesus also sent us the Holy Spirit to be our Helper. Plus, He has given us lots of tools to help us break through all the troubles that come our way, tools like the Gifts of the Spirit, the Fruit of the Spirit, and the Armor of God!
What is Heaven Like? | Caleb Malarz, Isaac Olson, and Smilin’ Sammuel
Heaven is a real place, not just a fairy tale. It is much better than Earth because in Heaven there is no sickness, no sadness, no hurt, and no fear, only great joy and happiness! Jesus has been preparing it for us and will one day soon take us there to be with Him. Heaven is a special place and our real home!
Power Up with the Helmet of Salvation | LW Northwest Kids Ministry
Power Up with the Helmet of Salvation Your head is kind of a big deal. Your brain is the home to so many thoughts. Sometimes we think good things. Sometimes ... we think about other stuff that is...
Jesus is My Friend! | Smilin’ Sammuel and Nina Stauffacher
Jesus wants to spend time with us through His Word, prayer, and worship so we will know Him more and can become best friends!
Power Up With the Shield of Faith | LW Northwest Kids Ministry
If you were dodging Nerf darts or snowballs… would you want a BIG shield – or a SMALL shield? OF COURSE… The bigger the better! The same is true for our faith. Our faith can protect us in many ways – and it can even be more powerful when we stand next to other people that have faith too. Let’s take some target practice, grab your nerf guns and pillows, and get ready to POWER UP with the shield of faith.
Elementary Lessons
Determination, Week 4
We are finishing our series on determination with a special guest. Author Josh Coan tells us all about determination in finishing his book.
Determination, Week 3
This week, we dig deeper into how the Holy Spirit can help us when we feel like giving up.
Determination, Week 2
The Holy Spirit can help us love others even when it might be tough.
Indescribable, Week 5
Let’s talk more about how God made us to be creative.
Indescribable, Week 4
Let’s talk more about how God made us creative.
Indescribable, Week 3
Let’s talk more about how God made us creative.
Indescribable, Week 2
Let’s talk more about how God made us creative.
Let’s talk more about how God made us creative.
Focus, Lesson 3
Take a closer look
Focus, Lesson 2
Take a closer look