We Trust God

Giving with our finances is just one way we can show God we trust Him to provide. When we give Him our treasure, it’s easy to trust Him with our heart.

My Giving Profile

Log in to your account to view your annual statements, giving history, and Vision commitments. If you’ve never viewed your profile before you can register your online account now.

Contact Us

Questions about giving? Our financial office is waiting to help. Send us an email or call 763.315.7000. We’re here for you–and eager to help!

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Equipping the people at Living Word with biblically based financial education and resources.

January 2025

Dear Church Family and Friends,


What a year it has been! We believe we are on the front lines, expanding God’s kingdom here at home through our weekly services and outreaches and abroad through our ministry partnership and global church-planting initiative. God is bringing people into His kingdom, and we are thankful you are a part of it.

Thank you for all you have given to help us accomplish more in 2024. Here’s a sample of what you enabled us to do:

  • Plant and support over 20 global-church plants that are completed or under construction
  • Feed 400 families through Baskets of Blessing
  • Help 300 families with baby supplies through the Dear Mama event in Brooklyn Park
  • Supply students at Crest View Elementary with needed school supplies
    Expand ABTC’s reach to include students online in the UK, Philippines, Maine, and Arizona
  • Host the XO Marriage Conference
  • Launch the Living Word Internship program
  • Reach 127,266 YouTube subscribers and 227,336 total views through Living Word Online
  • Pray with 36,680 people to accept Jesus into their lives, 655 people to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and 357 individuals healed
    Complete Maranatha Christian Academy’s Inspire Field

Lynne and I are grateful for you. We are praying that throughout this next year you would continue to “know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19).

We look forward to serving the Lord together with you in 2025.

Yours in Jesus,

Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond

Helping you win in every area of life.

The Winner’s Minute is an outreach of Mac Hammond Ministries and Living Word. Through television and social media, The Winner’s Minute provides sixty seconds of Bible-based encouragement for your day that will help you succeed in life.

Ways to Give


Easiest of all! Giving online is the fastest and most preferred way to give at Living Word. In fact, most of our congregation gives this way. Set up a one-time gift or recurring gift.


You can drop a check in the offering or mail a check to Living Word, Attention: Financial Office, 9201 75th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are 70 ½ or older, you are eligible to give directly to Living Word from your IRA through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Giving through a QCD is as simple as contacting your IRA custodian.

Employer Match

Many businesses offer corporate matching programs that match donations made by their employees to non-profit or charitable causes.


Cash still works. Use one of our offering envelopes at any of our campuses and drop it in the offering during service. Be sure to include your name and contact information for tax purposes.

Text to Give

Text: LWGift to 612.712.7212. You’ll receive a secure link to complete your gift.

Legacy Giving

You can give through your retirement plans, trusts, wills, estates, and life insurance.


This “double tax advantage” for giving allows you to avoid capital gains tax by transferring appreciated securities instead of selling or liquidating before you give. You also get a charitable deduction for the full value of the stock for tax purposes.

Retirement Plan Assets & IRAs

Givers can allocate any amount up to $100,000 annually from their IRA directly to the church without having to pay income taxes on the distribution.

Contributions can be a powerful tool to impact ministries today. These tax-deductible donations have an immediate impact on the ministries supported by the church.