Empowering Men forLeadership and Life
Weekly Life Groups
These groups will help you build relationships and allow time for relaxing and doing life together. Groups meet every week or once a month.
Manhood is a monthly breakfast for men of all ages. Breakfast is free for your first time, and $10 after that.
Our Theme
Proverbs 4:25-26 TPT Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions. Watch where we are going! Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you.
Does the road ahead of you look safe and smooth?
How do we know where we should be looking, or what we should be looking at? We need to “set our gaze” – FOCUS. This year we endeavor to find our Focus, to set our gaze and find that safe and smooth road before us.
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Recommend Resources
Check out some of our recommended resources for you and whatever stage of life you’re in!
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