Upper Midwest Faith Explosion | Jerry Savelle, Kenneth Copeland, and Jesse Duplantis
The 2023 Upper Midwest Faith Explosion was a huge success in that not only were many stirred in their faith, but they were stirred in their hearts for world harvest. Quoting Matthew 24:14, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come,” the speakers reminded us of the importance of getting the Gospel out to all the nations. When that is accomplished, Messiah will come. Speakers Jerry Savelle, Kenneth Copeland, and Jesse Duplantis each had unique messages for the UMFE congregation!
Dive Deeper
Jerry Savelle | Wed., Aug. 16 | Maximum Results
The Lord anointed brother Jerry to operate under the anointing as seer, in that he will share with the body of Christ what is on the Lord’s agenda. This year, the Lord’s prophetic message for the body of Christ is that it’s time to go for the maximum, the highest level attainable. Jerry expounded on just what maximum means!
Jerry Savelle | Thur., Aug. 17 | Expect the Unexpected
In Luke 5:1 is the story when Jesus told Simon to “launch out into the deep and let down your nets.” Simon said they had “fished all night and had taken nothing.” Though Simon didn’t expect anything, he did as Jesus instructed. And much to his surprise, they pulled in a multitude of fishes. Jerry said, “What is Jesus endeavoring to get Simon to do? Expect the unexpected.” Jerry expounded on why the body of Christ should begin to “expect the unexpected.”
Kenneth Copeland | Thur., August 18 
Brother Copeland stirred the congregants’ faith with stories of God performing miracles, reaching the lost, and good Bible teaching. If you’ve lost your zeal for world harvest, let brother Copeland stir your heart with this message.
Jesse Duplantis | Sat., August 19 | If You Keep the Faith, Everything Is Yours
2nd Timothy 4:1, 5 “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. … But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” The Lord said to Jesse, “If you keep the faith, everything is yours.” What is keeping the faith? It is a practical mission. We are to endure. We watch and continue. You’ll have opportunities to fail—don’t take them.
Jesse Duplantis | Sun., August 20 | 9 a.m. | God’s Cure for Satan’s Infection
Brother Jesse taught on Matthew 6:25 on the importance of “taking no thought for your life” because God will take care of your needs. He expounded on verse 34 “Take no thought, saying…” If you don’t speak negative thoughts, they will die. Unborn. Aborted. But when you take a thought, you become what that thought says. That’s how Satan infects people. They have a thought and then say it. Jesse expounded on the importance of keeping your words in line with the Word of God.
Jesse Duplantis | Sun., August 20 | 11 a.m. | Possibility Thinking
Brother Jesse taught on the topic of “Possibility Thinking.” God works in the realm of impossibility. If you want to get God on your side, you have to do impossible things so that He’ll show up and minister to you. He said, “You must believe that God has chosen you to be His instrument, a channel through which life flows. Many say they are not qualified. But God isn’t looking for qualifications. He’s looking for obedience.”

Recent Sermon Notes

A Father to the Fatherless | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim celebrated fathers with his message entitled, “A Father to the Fatherless.” He hit us with some hard-hitting facts about fathers. Did you know children who feel close to their fathers are twice as likely to continue their education after high school and find stable employment as opposed to those who do not feel close to their fathers. Furthermore, they are 75% less likely to have a child in their teens… 80% less likely to spend time in jail… 50% less likely to experience multiple depression issues! He went on to expound on the importance fathers have in their ability to influence their children, molding them into healthy and productive human beings.

Grace Unveiled: For the Promise to Be Sure  #12 | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim gave his 12th installment on his series entitled, “Grace Unveiled.” The Old Testament law always produced the wrath of God as a consequence for disobedience. No one outside of Jesus Christ had the ability to keep Old Testament law! Yet there are many Christians that try to live their lives according to Old Testament law. And they are failing. Pastor Jim went on to explain why in his message subtitled, “For the Promise to Be Sure.”

Grace Unveiled: To Whom the Lord Will Not Impute Sin  #11 | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim continued his series on Romans entitled, “Grace Unveiled.” This 11th installment of the series entitled, “To Whom the Lord Will Not Impute sin” picks up at Romans 4:6: “Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.” Pastor Jim carefully unfolded what it means for God to not impute your sin. Essentially, this scripture is saying, “Blessed is he who stepped over that line and the burden of what he should get for crossing that boundary is taken off of him.” That guy is blessed!

Light Be | Russ Kalenberg

This past Memorial Day weekend, the Living Word congregation was blessed to hear special guest minister Russ Kalenberg preach his message entitled, “Light Be.” In the beginning, Genesis says the world was a chaotic mess, a scene of disorder and confusion. Does that sound familiar? The world today is very much a chaotic mess, a scene of disorder and confusion. What is the answer? It’s the same as it was in the beginning! “Light be!”

Grace Unveiled, #10: Credited to Your Account | Jim Hammond

Pastor Jim preached the 10th installment of his series entitled, “Grace Unveiled,” a study of the book of Romans. This message subtitled, “Credited to Your Account,” finishes up the study of the sin problem and then begins a study of the solution to man’s sin problem—which is Romans 3:21–22, “…faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.” Pastor Jim said, “The reason why Paul spent so much time talking about the sin problem is because you can’t understand the solution if you don’t understand the problem.”