The Gift of No Condemnation | Jim Hammond
Pastor Jim taught on “The Gift of No Condemnation.” The Bible often compares people to trees saying that, like trees, people need to be pruned or trimmed. But Pastor Jim pointed out that when a tree’s leaves become withered, you don’t treat the tree… you treat the roots of the tree. And so it is with people: we too must deal with the root of the problem. The Mayo Clinic says that 80% of all diseases come from stress. Taking us all the way back to the Garden of Eden, Pastor Jim explored the biblical origins (or the root) of stress by looking at Adam and Eve.
Dive Deeper
When people become stressed, it’s because they fear something. If they are under stress for a long time, it will have a negative effect on their bodies.
Adam and Eve were given life, or were “planted,” in the Garden of Eden. They were supplied with everything they needed. Through deceit, Satan managed to convince Adam and Eve to embrace a mistaken identity of themselves… that if they ate that fruit, they could be something else. They could be like God.
Satan still uses this pattern of deceit, telling us we have to perform to become something else. Many Christians have the notion they have to labor to gain approval.
Satan used this tactic with Jesus when He was led into the wilderness to be tempted. Satan tried to get Jesus to perform: “turn this stone into bread… throw yourself off this temple…” Jesus resisted every temptation with scripture.
But Phil. 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” God is the one who starts the work in you. It is His performance through the relationship you have with Him. The book of Ephesians reveals that God sees us seated together with Him in heavenly places. He doesn’t see us as sinners.
After Adam and Eve sinned, they heard the Lord walking in the Garden and became fearful. They hid themselves. Why was Adam fearful? Because of what they had done. The fear came from shame and condemnation. It was clear Adam felt condemned because he was hiding.
Thoughts of condemnation do not come from God. The devil is called the accuser of the brethren.
Adam and Eve felt condemned because they partook of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil.
Pastor Jim went on to examine how condemnation will have a devastating affect on a person’s life.
Read About It
Phil. 1:6, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
Eph. 2:4–5, “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us. Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favor and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).”
Ephesians 2:6, “And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).”
Discussion Questions
Has this message revealed to you whether you have a problem with condemnation?
Can you point to a time in your life when you felt condemned?
How did you deal with it? Did you deal with it in the flesh? Or did you deal with it like Jesus did?

Recent Sermon Notes

FOCUS FOR EFFECT: Love | Mac Hammond

Pastor Mac taught the third installment of his series entitled, “Focus on Effect,” based upon 2nd Corinthians 4:17, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” The apostle Paul said the hardships in our lives can be light and momentary. It all depends on what we place our focus upon. Paul says we are to focus our attention on what is eternal, rather than what is temporal. There are three things that are eternal: faith, hope, and love. We are to focus on that.

FOCUS FOR EFFECT: Hope | Mac Hammond

This series is all about focus, meaning where do you give your attention. This is important because whatever you give your attention to will determine how hard or difficult your life will be. And conversely, it will determine how easy and carefree it will be. Teaching on 1st Corinthians 13:13, Pastor Mac says you can gain the clarity you need to succeed in your life by focusing on matters of faith, hope, and love.

Focus on Effect | Mac Hammond

Pastor Mac began a new series entitled, “Focus on Effect.” He started off by telling us the topic of the new series is something we probably think we already know about, but in fact, we don’t know enough about it as we probably should. The scriptural reference was 2nd Corinthians 4:17–18: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Though Pastor Mac has taught on this passage before, he said he’s “gotten a glimpse of a different side of this mountain. And I’m seeing it from a perspective that has really impacted me in a positive way.” He added, “And I want it to be that way for you all as well.”

Are We in the Days of Noah? | Jim Hammond

Jesus’ disciples asked Him what the signs will be of His coming. Jesus said it will be like it was in the days of Noah: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Fellow believers, we are in the days of Noah. All they thought about in the days of Noah was eating and drinking and the like. They were not thinking about the flood that was coming. So it is today!

A Deception of Palestine | Jim Hammond

This past weekend, Pastor Jim ministered a special God-directed message for the congregation entitled, “A Deception of Palestine.” He talked about how there is a division in the body of Christ worldwide, where believers are allowing themselves to become deceived when it comes to the present and ongoing deception regarding the Jewish people and Israel. It’s important that Christians do not allow themselves to be persuaded by worldly and ungodly leaders and news systems. It’s important they know what the Word of God says and exalt it as God’s truth.