For His Kingdom: The Principle of the Tithe  | Mac Hammond
The tithe is one of the most fundamental principles of the Christian life. That’s what Pastor Mac taught in the third installment of his “For His Kingdom” series. The Lord has given us here at Living Word a big vision to fulfill… to go ye into all the nations and preach the Gospel. We’re going full steam ahead with the vision to plant 10 churches in the coming year. That means we must first be obedient with our tithes. To that end, Pastor Mac taught about the “The Principle of the Tithe.”
Dive Deeper
Vision giving is “over and above” giving… it is over and above regular tithes and offerings.
Tithing is one of the most fundamentally important messages.
Tithing is something that is only between you and the Lord. That means at Living Word, no one checks to see what you give.
It’s important to know and understand the principle of tithing. Not understanding this principle will affect your participation or lack thereof in the tithe.
Scriptural Reference
Malachi 3:8, “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.”
Why does God include “and offerings” in this verse? We know the Bible says the tithe belongs to Him. Why does it say we robbed the Lord with tithes “and offerings?” Aren’t offerings supposed to be free-will giving?
The understanding is that the tithe is ten percent of your income. But offerings are discretionary, over and above the tithe.
Many people say they can’t afford to tithe yet, so they just give offerings. But the reality is that you can’t give an offering until you’ve paid the tithe. That’s why He says you’ve robbed me of tithes and offerings.
By robbing the Lord of tithes and offerings, the Jewish people were living under a curse.
Does God curse you if you don’t tithe and give offerings? No! God does not “sit on His throne and hurl out curses to anyone.” The Bible says, “all good things come from the Father above, the Father of lights.”
When a person doesn’t tithe, he moves himself out from under God’s umbrella of protection. God says to each of us, “I set before you this day life and blessing, death and cursing.” He said to choose life. It’s up to each one of us whether or not we want to live under His blessing.
If you choose not to tithe, you place yourself at the mercy of the god of this world, who we know is Satan. (2 Cor. 4:4)
When a person doesn’t tithe, he is forfeiting one of the most basic principles of life that God gives us to change our experience of life on this earth and to experience His blessing.
Verse 10 tells us “how” to tithe: “Bring all of your tithe to the storehouse.”
We are to bring the tithe to “the” storehouse. There is a “the” storehouse for every believer. In the New Testament, it’s called a “company,” which is a local church. It’s pleased God to assign you to a local church.
Many people don’t like to commit to a particular church. They prefer to float from church to church, to avoid feeling “captive” to someone’s purpose or program. They don’t like having to feel committed.
However, church is intended to be a place where you grow in God… where you can be encouraged, exhorted, taught, and admonished. A church provides a level of accountability for making lifestyle changes that are significant for you, the believer.
Without church, you’re not going to grow and mature in the Lord. The true riches are contentment, fulfillment, peace, joy. And that won’t happen outside your participation in a local church.
The Word tells us to bring the tithe to the storehouse, meaning the church to which He has called you. We’re not to divvy up the tithe and send it off to different ministries.
Bringing your tithe to the church is so there will be provision for that church to function and operate.
Read About It
Habakkuk 2:2, “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
Malachi 3:8, “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.”
Discussion Questions
Are you a tither? If not, why?
For those that tithe, do you have a testimony of supernatural supply where God met your need?

Recent Sermon Notes

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