LW’s Brooklyn Park Community Kickback event was a great success! Volunteers from all ages supported over sixty families, friends, neighbors, and business partners with food, fun, and games.

During the event, we asked attendees what they felt would make Brooklyn Park a better place. We’ve taken their feedback in order to create and support outreaches going forward with the below responses in mind.

  • 66% want more outreaches centered around mental and physical health
  • 64% want more outreaches centered around financial literacy
  • 56% want more outreaches centered around young adult opportunities
  • 51% want more outreaches centered around family support
  • 44% want more outreaches centered around housing and living support
  • 38% want more outreaches centered around special needs services
  • 49% of attendees stated that they would love to be a part of a Christian community that provided the above outreaches

This data sets the foundation for how much of an impact we can make when we remain approachable and keep an honest, family-friendly culture at the forefront of everything that we do.

We also want to thank our Living Word congregants, staff, volunteers, and friends at Brooklyn Park.Together we’ll continue to reach people, touch lives, and make a difference.

Outreach Updates

CWC: Baby Blessing

March 1, 2022: Throughout the month of March, we are helping Robbinsdale Women’s Center (RWC) by collecting monetary donations online and encouraging our congregation to purchase items from RWC’s Amazon Wishlist. These monies and donated items helped families in need that visit the clinic.

Tools for the Future: Backpack Drive

Crest View Back Pack Drive 2022. Your donations equip each student with basic fundamental tools such as rulers, notebooks, folders, pens, etc. These items may not seem critical but to a child who needs them, it becomes a matter of passing or failing. Join us in helping our future leaders by giving them the necessary tools for success.

Serve Month

May 1, 2022: All month long is Serve Month! This event is an exciting 31- day social campaign that anyone can be a part of.

Welcome to Our City!

April 1, 2022: This month we reached out to our local community. We partnered with the city of Brooklyn Park to deliver welcome bags to all of our new residents.

RWC: Baby Blessing

March 1, 2022: Throughout the month of March, we are helping RWC by collecting monetary donations online and encouraging our congregation to purchase items from RWC’s Amazon Wishlist. These monies and donated items helped families in need that visit the clinic.