Father God, I thank you that I am your child. I thank you for giving me the name of Jesus and the authority that goes with it. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit, the greater one, the mighty power of God.
In Jesus’ name, I have authority over all demons, over all disease, to move obstacles, to stop problems, to calm storms, and to rebuke sickness. I have authority, I have power, in Jesus’ name.
(Put your hands on your head)
Fear and doubt—Leave me! Be gone!
Confusion and deception—Be gone!
Heaviness—Be gone!
Depression—Be gone in Jesus’ name.
Mind—Be strong, think clear, be bright and sharp.
(Put your hands on your chest)
Soul—Be strong, have peace, be at rest, be free and loosed.
(Put your hands on your body)
Body—Be strong.
Tumors and growths and anything that ought not be in my body—I speak against you. I command you in Jesus’ name, to die, dry up, be gone, and leave me.
Heart—Be clear, be strong.
Lungs—Be clear, be strong.
Stomach and intestines—Be healed, be whole, be free, and work right.
Every organ and every gland—Be right, be normal, be healthy, be strong.
Every bone, every muscle, every ligament, all my nerves, and all my skin—Be healthy, be whole, be right, be strong, in Jesus’ name.
Satan, in Jesus’ name, I command you to take your hands off my money, off my finances, off my investments, off my business, and off my job. In Jesus’ name, STOP in your operations; cease in your maneuvers against me and my family.
Ministering spirits and angels—GO! Cause financial prosperity to come to me and my family, work, and influence in Jesus’ name. (Note: Claim specific amounts.)
In Jesus’ name, Satan, stop in your operations, your maneuvers against our marriages, against our families, and against our children. We forbid it! We bind you; you cannot continue. We stop it in Jesus’ name. Our marriages are strong. Our families are strong and free and right in Jesus’ name. So be it.