"The Dream of You" Online Video Bible Study Author: Jo Saxton Description: As the child of Nigerian immigrants in the UK, author and speaker Jo...
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Without Rival Video Series
Without Rival Video Series Author: Lisa Bevere Description: There is a reason we look at others as rivals and limit ourselves to comparison and...
Joyce Meyer’s Talk It Out Podcast
Joyce Meyer’s Talk It Out Podcast Description: Joyce Meyer and the girls get together for the new Talk It Out podcast! Just a few girls talking...
Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life
Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life Author: Sarah Jakes Roberts Description: Everyone faces trials, and everyone...
Ezer Kenegdo
Ezer Kenegdo Author: Kristi McLelland Description: In Genesis 2:18, the Lord calls woman a "helper suitable," or ezer kenegdo in Hebrew. As we...
Jesus & Women
Jesus & Women Author: Kristi McLelland Description: Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds...