Jesus, Man of Prayer | Smilin’ Sammuel
Jesus spent time praying to The Father and received strength to lay down His life for us. He trusted God to fulfill all the promises for His life, including raising Him from the dead!
Easter Theme Song
My God is So Big by Go Fish
Lesson Plan
Parents! Here is the outline and activity sheet for you to have at home.
Bible Story
Late on the night before Jesus was nailed to the cross, He took His friends to a garden to pray. Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to help Him while He prayed. Jesus knew that He would have to die on the cross and take the sins of the world on Him, and it was a very difficult thing to do. He wanted to do this, but He knew it would be hard. Jesus needed to pray and spend time with His Father and hear His voice. As He prayed, He trusted the Father to do what was best. As a result, Jesus received the strength to do all that The Father wanted Him to do!
Jesus Prays
Video from Saddleback Kids
Praise Song
Good Good Father