For His Kingdom: Vision 2024 | Mac Hammond
Pastor Mac shared his first installment in our annual “For His Kingdom” vision series. He taught us about vision and how significant it is to our lives. There’s a lot the Bible has to say about vision. It’s a hugely important subject and one that needs to hold a place of priority in our lives, especially in these end times. Vision 2024 is an opportunity for us to join together in the power of agreement to pursue the direction of the Lord for this coming year. There’s a lot going on in the world and Vision 2024 looks to be our most exciting venture in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Dive Deeper
The definition of “vision” in the Strong’s Concordance means “divine communication.”
Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish. But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” This verse is talking about “vision” and “keep the law.” The law in the Old Testament is simply a reference to the Word of God.
God’s vision can come in a dream, in a moment of revelation, or through an oracle (prophecy).
As Proverbs says, “without vision, the people perish.” The word “perish” in the Passion translation is translated “aimlessly wander.” The Message translation says, “stumble over themselves.” Wandering aimlessly and stumbling over oneself can lead to death!
Habakkuk 2:2 says this about vision: “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
Without a vision, you’re not going to run anywhere. The word “run” implies momentum and direction. Vision is supernatural impetus to your life.
Luke 16:12, “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?”
Whether or not you enable someone else’s vision to come to pass determines whether or not you will have people aid you in your vision. If you’ve not been faithful in another man’s vision, you won’t have anyone to help you with your vision. To the extent that you’re faithful in joining with and enabling another’s vision, you will have a vision of your own.
A lot of people say they don’t know what vision God has for them. Vision is something you have to be looking for and be aware that it’s coming. You must have communication with God about His direction for your life. If you’ve never talked to the Lord about His plan for your life, that could be the reason you don’t have vision.
The most important place for you to be faithful in helping someone else’s vision is the place where God has placed you. You don’t just be faithful anywhere. You don’t just go out and say, “What’s your vision” and then help him. There’s a place for you to be connected with the plan of God and the purpose of God.
Read About It
Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Habakkuk 2:2, “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
Luke 16:12, “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?”
Discussion Questions
Right now, can you state specifically what God’s vision is for your life?
If you do not know that you have a vision for your life, have you ever taken the time to seriously seek God about it?
Have you been faithful to help another person with his or her vision?

Recent Sermon Notes

The Impossible Dream | Mac Hammond

Pastor Mac taught the first message in his new series entitled, “The Impossible Dream.” He said “the impossible dream” is a good message for the outset of a new year. However, it’s a good message for all to hear at any time during the year. He began the message by asking a rhetorical question: “Do your dreams fall only within the realm of logical possibility. Or do your dreams require the element of the miraculous in order to be realized?” He went on to explain how God-given dreams will always necessitate the supernatural power of God in order for them to be fulfilled.

GRACE UNVEILED, “Dominion of Grace” #25 | Jim Hammond

This past Sunday, Pastor Jim gave the 25th installment to his teaching series entitled, “Grace Unveiled.” In the past messages, we’ve been studying Romans 3, 4, 5, and 6. Before teaching on chapter 7, Pastor Jim wanted to break down these chapters again in a way we have not heard them before. He said, “You’re going to hear these chapters taught in a different way.” So far, we focused on the gift of righteousness. And we focused on justification. But there is a third subject that Pastor Jim wanted to focus on before we moved on to the next chapter.   

GRACE UNVEILED, #24, “The Dominion of Grace” | Jim Hammond

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How to Finish the Year Strong 1 | Mac Hammond

Pastor Mac gave a message entitled, “How to Finish the Year Strong.” We’re at the end of the year and many use this time as an occasion to pray about what the Lord would have them do in the coming year…to set their sail in Christ, so to speak. They want the Lord to help them identify the marks they are to press toward in order to finish their race. To that end, Pastor Mac spoke to us about “finishing strong.”

Releasing the Anointing | Releasing the Anointing

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